This section gathers articles on Ethiopian Muslim's repertoires and musical cultures written by Dr. Ilaria Sartori and co-authors as well as a small bibliography concerning Muslim Ethiopian Musics and related themes.

Click on the title of each article in order to access the full text or bibliographical source details, if available online. For further information please Contact Us.

I.S. Publications

Sartori Ilaria and Abdulmuhaymin Abdunassir. 2010. Collaborative research on the songs of the city.  African Study Monographs, Suppl. 41: 119-131

Sartori Ilaria. 2009. From the ancient ğāliyei to the new gey fäqär. Relationships between traditional sung poetry and commercial “pop” music in the city-state of Harar, Ethiopia. In Proceedings of the II International Conference of PhD Music Students. Tessaloniki, Greece

Sartori Ilaria. 2008. The songs of the City. Voices of tradition and transition in Harar. In Annales d’Ethiopie, vol. XXIII, Addis Ababa: CFEE and Paris: De Boccard. Includes audio tracks.

Gey fäqär, il canto della città. Repertori vocali femminili nella comunità islamica di Harar. PhD diss. Rome: Sapienza University. Includes audio and video tracks.

Sartori Ilaria. 2007. Cultural identity, Islamic revivalism and women’s new-found role in preserving and transmitting musical traditions. Conference on Music in the World of Islam, Assilah. Includes audio tracks.

Works in progress

Lullabies in the World of Islam - CD-DVD-Booklet. Al-Ain Center for Music in the World of Islam. Includes audio and video tracks (under press).

Sartori, I. 2010. Women and children’s religious repertoires in and around Harar. International interdisciplinary workshop The Roles and Values of Menzuma, Institute of Ethiopian Studies.

Songs of the City (Book)

Cultures Musulmanes d'Ethiopie


ABDULMUHAYMIN ABDUNASSIR. 1995. Harari Gey Fäqär, Addis Ababa: Artistic Printers.
ANDRZEJEWSKI B.W. & LEWIS, I.M. 1964 Somali Poetry: an Introduction, Oxford.
ASANTE, BELLE. 2005. “Harar, Introduction” in S. Uhlig (ed.), Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, Vol. 2, pp. 1012-1013, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden
BANTI, GIORGIO. 2005a. “Remarks about the orthography of the earliest ‘ajami texts in Harari”. In Scritti in onore di Giovanni M. D’Erme, ed. M. Bernardini and N. Tornesello, Vol. 1, Naples: Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”
2005b. “Harari Literature” in S. Uhlig (ed.), Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, Vol. 2, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden
2007. “Masnoy” in S. Uhlig (ed.), Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, Vol. 3, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden
BARBLAN, GUGLIELMO. 1941    Musiche e strumenti musicali dell'Africa orientale italiana, Edizioni della Triennale d’Oltremare, Napoli

'Ajami manuscripts Masnoy and Kitab al-Fäqär

BRICCHETTI-ROBECCHI, LUIGI. 1890. “Lingue parlate somali, galla e harari” in Bollettino della Società geografca Italiana, vol. III, Roma
1892. “Testi nelle lingue Harar e Galla” in Rendiconti della Reale Accademia dei Lincei. Ser. 5, vol. 1, Roma 1895–1897. “Note sulle lingue parlate somali, galla e harari raccolte ed ordinate nell'Harar” in Bollettino della società africana d'Italia, Napoli
BURTON, R. F., & BURTON, I. 1987 (1856) First footsteps in East Africa, or, An exploration of Harar. Dover Publications, New York (London)
CERULLI, ENRICO. 1936 "La lingua e la storia di Harar" in Studi etiopici. Istituto per l'Oriente, Roma
CONTI-ROSSINI, CARLO. 1919-1920. “Testi in lingua Harari”. In Rivista degli Studi Orientali, vol. 8, pp. 401-425. Roma.
COHEN, MARCEL. 1931. Études d'éthiopien méridional. Collection d'ouvrages orientaux, Librairie orientaliste Paul Geuthner, Librarie de la Société asiatique, Paris
2007b. “Songs” in S. Uhlig [ed.], Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, Vol. 4, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden. DURI, MOHAMMED. 1955. “The mugads of Harar”. In Ethnological Society Bulletin n. 4, pp. 15-19, Addis Ababa.
GIBB, CAMILLA. 1996. In the City of Saints: Religion, Politics and Gender in Harar, Ethiopia,Ph.D. diss., Toronto.
1999 "Baraka without borders: integrating communities in the city of saints" in Journal of Religion in Africa, n. 16, p. 144-162
2005 “Harari ethnography” in S. Uhlig (ed.), Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, Vol. 2, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden, pp. 1026-1028.
GIANNATTASIO, FRANCESCO. 1988a. "The Study of Somali Music: Present State" in A. Puglielli (a c. di), Proceedings of the third international congress of Somali studies. Il PensieroScientifco Editore, pp.158- 67, Roma
2002 “Il tempo delle more. Rifessioni sui rapporti tra metrica verbale e ritmo musicale a partre da alcuni esempi di poesia somala” in Agamenone M., Giannattasio F. (a c. di) Sul verso cantato. La poesia orale in unaprospettiva etnomusicologica, Il Poligrafo, Padova, pp. 137-161.
GIORGIS, SAMSON AND TERVER, GUILLAUME. 2001. Polyphonies Ethiopiennes, chants Dokos et chants Harari, VHS, ETV Ethiopian Television Muzzik production, 2001 (Film)
HERZOG, GEORGE. 1947. “Note on the Harar melodies”, in Rassegna di studi etiopici, n. 6, p. 161
INSTITUTE OF ETHIOPIAN STUDIES (ed.) 1999. Musical instruments of Ethiopia, IES Ethnographic Museum catalogue, Addis Ababa
JENKINS, J., HARRISSON, R. & JOHNSON, R. 1994 (1974). Ethiopie. Polyphonies vocales et instrumentales, Paris, Ocora Radio France, C 580055-6 (CD)
JENKINS, JEAN. 1994 Music from Ethiopia, Londres, Topic Records, TSCD 910 (CD)
WOUBE KASSAYE. 2007. Analysis of the Harari/Aderi (Muslim Society) Music of Ethiopia. Conference on Music in the World of Islam.
2010. The significance of Harari music: the case of pop songs in relation to the objectives of the education and training, and cultural policies of Ethiopia. African study monographs. Supplementary issue, 41: 133-147
KIMBERILN, CYNTHIA T. 1980. The music of Ethiopia, in “Music of many cultures: an introduction”, p. 232- 252, Berkeley
1997. “Four contemporary Ethiopian composers and their music: Asnakech Worku, Nuria Ahmed Shami Kalid A.K.A. Shamitu, Ezra Abate Iman, and Ashenafi Kebede”, in Katsuyoshi Fukui, Eisei Kurimoto, Masayoshi Shigeta (ed.) 14 Proceedings of the XIIIth International Conference of Ethiopian Studies, vol.3, Shokado Book Sellers, pp. 96-117, Kyoto
HASSEN, FEISAL. 2009 (2002). Ziharari Wig Mätfäqärac, EDM Printing Press, Addis Ababa
LESLAU, WOLF. 1947. “Chansons Harari”. In Rassegna di studi etiopici, n. 6, pp. 130-161.
1963. Etymological dictionary of Harari. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Publications, Near Eastern Studies.
1965 Ethiopian speak I: Studies in cultural background, Harari, University of California Publications: Berkeley and Los Angeles
MOHAMED IBRAHIM SULEYMAN. 1997. Q’ätäbti Mudāy, Artistic Printing Enterprise, Addis Ababa.
NEUBAUER, ECKHARD AND VERONICA DOUBLEDAY. 2003. “Islamic religious music”. In S. Sadie, J. Tyrell, The new Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians - Grove Music On line
TARSITANI, SIMONE. 2005a. I rituali musicali dello zikri a Harar, Etiopia, PhD Diss., Università di Roma La Sapienza
2005b. “Dhikr in Harar: Zikri” in Sigbert Uhlig (ed.), Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, Vol. 2, Wiesbaden, Harassowitz Verlag, pp. 158-159
2006a. “Musica religiosa islamica a Harar (Etiopia): i rituali di zikri” in EM2 Rivista degli Achivi di Etnomusicologia, Vol. 2, pp. 127-148. Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia – Squilibri, Roma
2006b “Zikri Rituals in Harar: a Musical Analysis”, in S. Uhlig (ed.), Proceedings ofthe XVth International Conferenceof Ethiopian Studies, pp. 478-484, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden
2007a. “Käbäl” in S. Uhlig (ed.), Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, Vol. 3, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden
2007b. “Käräbu” in S. Uhlig (ed.), Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, Vol. 3, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden
2008. “Mawlud: celebrating the birth of the Prophet in Islamic religious festivals and wedding ceremonies in Harar, Ethiopia” in Annales d’Ethiopie Vol. XXIII, French Center of Ethiopian Studies (CFEE), Addis Ababa, pp.153-176
TIMKEHET TEFFERA. 2009. The Traditional Secular Music of the Harari: Its State in History and Present Day (online publication: ArticleHararforPublication.pdf )
TOURNY, OLIVIER (ed.). 2008. Annales d'Ethiopie. Volume XXIII, 2007-2008. Dossier : musiques traditionnelles d'Ethiopie. Paris, De Boccard.
UHLIG SIEGBERT (ed.). 2003-2010 Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, Voll. 1-4, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden.
ZENEBE, GIRMA. 2003. Preliminary Review of Studies on and in Harari: the Language and its Literature. Ethiopian Language Research Center, Addis Ababa.


Encyclopaedia Aethiopica

Institute of Ethiopian Studies

The Roles and Values of Menzuma: Islamic panegyrics in Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa - Institute of Ethiopian Studies, 19 -20 November 2010

International Conferences of Ethiopian Studies - Proceedings

First Conference on Music in the World of Islam - Assilah 8-13 August 2007

Al-Ain Center for Music in the World of Islam

Communities and Cultural Heritage Centers in East Africa

Preserving Local Knowledge in the Horn of Africa - Challenges and Prospects for Collaborative Research in Oral Literature, Music and Ritual Practices

African Study Monograph, Supplementary Issue n. 41

Abdela Sherif Museum / Sherif Harar City Museum

Everything Harar
Books, researches, articles, journals on the city of Harar, Ethiopia

Harar Connection

Ethiopian Review - R. Pankhurst - Institute of Ethiopian studies

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